Nebu: Turning Crypto Noobs into Cryptonauts

Nebu Exchange
7 min readApr 22, 2022

Today, there aren’t many people who haven’t heard of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The rise of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), popularized by musicians and athletes, has increased market exposure. But the number of actual investors and users is not as large as it could be. There is a very obvious reason for this, and the subject can be quite intimidating.

The complexities of technology combined with already difficult financial mechanisms make a lot of people reluctant to get involved in crypto. As such, any platform that simplifies and overcomes these challenges will see an influx of traffic. This was the driving force behind creating Nebu, the world’s first gamified cryptocurrency exchange. Its creation was a deeply personal experience.

The Story So Far

Back in 2018, I was working for a technology company that supported many crypto projects for third parties. The learning curve was steep. There was a lot of new language and theory to take in. Often, the answer to one question led to another two questions. But diving into the deep end really is the best way to go from amateur to expert. It took a lot of hard work, but eventually I started to feel comfortable discussing complex cryptography and decentralized mechanisms. Still, one thought never left my mind: there should be an easier way to get into crypto. It turned out I wasn’t alone.

That same company had a department that workshopped ideas for new projects. It wasn’t long before we began discussing the creation of a new crypto exchange, one that was unique from all other existing exchanges at the time. This new exchange would solve every problem a crypto beginner could possibly encounter. And there were many, most of which I was personally familiar with. For a start, there was the new nomenclature. If you cannot understand the language, you have a long way to go. Some terms are common but are used in a different way in the crypto sphere. On top of this, market trading is no walk in the park — anyone who has tried to understand derivatives knows this. The indices are a maze of acronyms and challenging math and the markets rarely behave according to plan. Moreover, a lot of this stuff just isn’t that much fun.

It was clear from our brainstorming sessions that our project would have to be easily accessible and engaging to reach the untapped demographics worldwide. Very quickly, an idea began to form. You see, often, crypto enthusiasts and gamers are the same people. The two fields are actually very closely related. They use the same tech and seek to solve similar problems. Working in a team with extensive experience in crypto trading and gaming, the idea to use gamification in trading appeared naturally during one of these sessions. As co-founder, my own experience using five different trading platforms was put to good use during the development process for what would become Nebu.

My Personal Journey

My name is Adam Targos, and I am Co-founder of Nebu Exchange. I am a power engineer by education. I’ve always wanted to solve humanity’s greatest problems. Today’s energy crisis was an early calling. But before long, I realized cryptocurrency dovetailed with this industry. A few years ago, I was involved in the building of large-scale Bitcoin mining farms. These farms consume a lot of energy. And with the world experiencing a crisis and growing awareness of consumption, new energy solutions were becoming vital to the longevity of crypto mining. Personally, I collaborated in the construction of farms that had a total capacity of over a hundred megawatts. This experience stood me in good stead. Ultimately, it led me to consultancy and business development strategist positions for various crypto projects. During this time, I realized I had a lot to offer from a leadership position. After leading the business department for a Polish technology company, I was ready for something more personal. The idea for Nebu came along at just the right time.

Crypto Challenges for Beginners

Speaking from experience, the challenges for crypto beginners can be broken down into four categories. They are all interconnected, compounding the level of difficulty.

The four categories are:

1.The Complexities of Trading

  • Complicated graphs and dashboards
  • Non-intuitive user interfaces of the exchanges
  • The intimidation factor — fear of losing money

2. Educational Materials

  • They are often not structured
  • The multitude of sources which make it difficult to find trustworthy information

3. User interfaces

  • They are often not intuitive
  • Nor are they user-friendly, meaning users are worried about clicking on the wrong things

4. Lack of Guidance

  • Typically, people turn to crypto via recommendations, usually from friends. As such, there is a transfer of knowledge. But other people are at risk of amateur errors that can be costly.

These are the areas we singled out for special attention. But we were conscious of not limiting ourselves to these categories. After all, not everyone experiences the same challenges. So, we conducted market research to identify other sticking points for beginners. When the results were in, we incorporated these into our objectives.

How Nebu Makes Life Easier

Even someone who has never heard of cryptocurrency before will find everything they need to get started. It all comes down to what you can think of as our crypto trinity.

Here are the three core components of Nebu:


  • Gamification of education on the platform
  • AI-powered mentor that suggests what a particular user should learn

2. Trading

  • Trador (online friend and mentor) walks users through the first steps of the trading process.
  • Advice consists of what to put, where to put it, and the possible consequences

3. User-friendly, customizable interface

  • Graphically impeccable and top-notch animation
  • Very simple and easy to use

These three components are the key to simplifying crypto and reaching millions of untapped users in markets worldwide. The successful implementation of the above has led to better than expected results and uptake.

Nebu Exceeds Expectations

Initially, we just wanted to create a place that would walk beginners through the world of crypto. The plan was to make learning — this challenging subject — more enjoyable. But in the end, we developed a platform that attracts long-term users. Why is this? Well, when it comes to functionality, Nebu does everything other exchanges do and more. So, after having learned how to trade on Nebu, there really is no reason to go elsewhere. Plus, the gamification elements make mundane trades way more engaging.

Why Nebu is for Everyone

All crypto exchanges are complicated and often inaccessible. They present users with an overly technical outlook that is anything but easy to use. Nebu, however, has been developed with an emphasis on creating a user-friendly experience. This is achieved by incorporating artificial intelligence, top-notch educational materials, modern and intuitive designs, and regular updates. This makes Nebu the perfect place for a person to begin their journey through the cryptoverse. But I am particularly proud that we have been able to create a platform that transcends this audience.

Nebu is not only for beginners. Our platform is especially attractive for gamers, a market that increases year after year. This is because Nebu has strong gaming characteristics. And just like in the world of games, there are users with different proficiencies. CounterStrike: Global Offensive attracts new gamers every day. But it also satisfies experienced gamers who have been with the game for years. Nebu achieves the same result by employing a similar model. Its playful character and achievement-based processes make it suitable for everyone. Nebu turns traders into gamers and makes trading a lot more fun.

Why Nebu is Safe and Secure

Security is a primary concern for crypto users everywhere. Knowing this, we dedicated a lot of time and resources to ensuring our users feel carefree when trading on Nebu. The first thing we did was work on introducing a custodial trusted wallet: Fireblocks. This will give users the peace of mind that comes with knowing their funds are secure. Next, we began working on implementing Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundering (AML) procedures. This will enable us to achieve two goals. First, we will be compliant with the appropriate regulations. Second, we will be seen as more trustworthy for new users. And next, we have been careful to place the right people in the right positions. We will soon publish a video introducing our core team. This, among numerous other factors, gives Nebu the best chance of success and longevity.

Signing Off

As Co-Founder of Nebu, I’ve been with the platform since it was just a pipedream. But after a wild ride, it gives me so much joy to see our crypto exchange growing day by day. I hope you’ll consider joining us for the next exciting chapter.


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Nebu Exchange

Nebu is the world’s first gamified cryptocurrency exchange.